Dear Colleagues,
Bargaining resumes this morning. We appreciate that the frequency of our meetings has increased. This is a factor in bringing us closer to an Augsburg contract with Augsburg values.
The language we are bargaining over currently–internal hiring, discipline, union and management rights–is crucial to come to an agreement on. However, we still see no reason why the administration cannot provide us with a counter proposal on our proposals on wages, healthcare, and benefits so we can begin that conversation ASAP. We will continue bringing this up in our bargaining sessions with them.
With our committed and visible support for our proposals, we will win a contract that enshrines our collective values.
Town Hall this Wednesday at Noon
Please RSVP here to our virtual Town Hall this Wednesday, July 28th at noon. We will be discussing the recent announcement regarding Covid-19 vaccinations as well as the plan for remote working in an uncertain future.
This Town Hall will replace the weekly lunch in Murphy Square Park.