Dear Colleagues,
Please join us on Saturday, April 23rd as we hold a rally to tell the administration that we want to finish this contract!
The rally will be in Murphy Square from 11 am to 1 pm on April 23rd.
Please fill out this form to confirm you are going:
Here is the Facebook event for the rally:
Friends, family, neighbors, students, and faculty are invited!
Why are we rallying?
Bargaining is going on too long and the administration’s positions are untenable. The Administration’s wage proposal would result in a paltry increase to only four positions represented by our union, and includedonly a 1% annual raise for three years. The administration’s healthcare counter proposal is nonexistent. They think that our healthcare costs are fine as is. Take a look at how just our family plan stacks up to local colleges and other private ELCA colleges:

Needless to say, the administration’s vision cannot go into our contract. Our Staff Union and our contract should reflect our shared vision for us to thrive and work now and into the future. We’re disappointed in the Administration’s resistance to our progressive proposals throughout bargaining. We want to work together. We want to build a better Augsburg together. We’ve seen that they want to merely keep things the way they were. This is not sustainable.
We know from our union siblings across the country, and from history, that when we show solidarity–when we rally together–we move forward.
We will make gains with this contract. We will build a better Augsburg, together!
Join us to rally on Saturday, April 23rd. It will be a day of joy and solidarity!