The COVID-19 Task Force met Friday, September 2nd. This meeting had a shorter agenda. Here is what was discussed:
- Case rates dropped 12% in both Hennepin and Ramsey counties week over week
- COVID hospital admits dropped back below 10/100k, so both counties are in the low level again
- Case reports ticked up, but we are still at less than 0.5% of the campus population. (Below 1% is low.)
- Mike Grewe stated in the meeting: Most residential students who are testing positive for COVID are choosing to isolate at home, reducing exposure to the campus community.
Mask Ask
- FYI – web page updated to include Saturday, Sept. 10 classes, as requested by MSW
We have a Google Form available for Augsburg Staff Union members to ask questions to be brought up at the COVID Task Force meetings. We did not receive any questions this week.
Urgent questions related to COVID-19 should not be submitted via the Google Form, those questions should continue to be sent to, calling 612-474-3100, and/or by using the Augsburg self-reporting form.
The staff union representative will continue to send weekly updates based on information gathered in the COVID Task Force meetings and questions asked in the google form