Covid 19 TF Update

Dear Colleagues, The COVID-19 Task Force had a meeting on Thursday, November 4th. Here are the meeting notes from the Augsburg Staff Union representative. Minnesota Department of Health Updates:

  • Cases remain “high” in nearly all MN counties – significant recent increases in regional rates.
  • Vaccination now available for children ages 5-11.
  • Updated CDC guidance for higher education
  • Vaccine 101 Training will be on Nov. 23rd, 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • COVID coordinators, residential staff, campus life, student leaders, athletics, faculty, etc. are welcome to join.
  • The COVID Task Force is working on gathering more information on how to join for those interested.
  • This will be shared with potentially RAs, student government, and other student organization leaders.
  • Discussion of boosters for those in higher education settings. Getting a booster is recommended for higher education.
  • MDH will consult on whether/how they would advise us to track boosters. 
  • Anyone who is living in a residence hall can get a booster.

Dashboard Update: 

  • For comparison: less than 60% of all Minnesotans 18-24 have at least one dose. 
  • Last week’s on campus cases of COVID was 5. 

Campus Clear Stats: 

  • Much like September, half as many reports in the Campus Clear app overall vs a year ago (this Oct 4,966 vs last Oct 10,739). 
  • Higher percentage of that 4966 total is faculty reporting (14%) vs last Oct (6%). More faculty are participating this year. 

Campus Operations: 

  • Exploring expanded dining areas in Hagfors. The Mpls Operations team to discuss further at their meeting on 11/4. 
  • Continuing indoor mask mandate. 

We set up a Google Form so Augsburg Staff Union members could state their questions or concerns to be addressed at the meeting. The following question was requested in advance of the meeting: 

  • Q: Explain more please … “During the MDH meeting, there was a discussion of what not to use antibody testing for.”
  • A: Here’s more detail on what MDH said about not using antibody tests:
  • Antibody tests are not to be used to diagnose acute COVID 19 infection. 
  • Antibody tests are not recommended to assess for immunity after infection or after vaccination. 
  • Not recommended to determine the need for quarantine after exposure. 
  • There is no identified correlation between antibody levels and immunity.

Please note: Urgent questions related to COVID-19 should not be submitted via the Google Form, those questions should continue to be sent to, calling 612-474-3100, and/or by using the Augsburg self-reporting form.   The interim staff union representative will continue to send weekly updates based on information gathered in the COVID Task Force meetings and questions asked in the google form.